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Understanding HOCs in ReactJS using charts

This article explains how to use Higher Order Components (HOCs) in ReactJS by using examples and visualisations to illustrate the concept.

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Building a Single Page Application Embeddable Widget

This article examines the steps involved in constructing an embeddable widget for single page applications, with spotlight on the components and the application's implementation.

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Unlocking the Power of Automation: Creating a Python Bot to Extract Data from LinkedIn

This article discusses how to create a Python bot to automate the process of extracting data from LinkedIn.

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Factors contributing to the massive adoption of Cryptocurrency in Africa

This article examines how cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular in Africa, due to several factors.

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Blockchain, Cryptocurrency – What is the distinction?

The article explains the differences between blockchain and cryptocurrency, and how they are related.

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From Idea to Reality: Create and Publish your React Hook on NPM

This article explains how to create and publish a React Hook on npm to turn an idea into reality.
